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Robert Nuha


Date: 14. - 15. Sept 2023

Time: 11:30 am - 13:30 pm

Days:  2

Studio: Check schedule


The Mechanical dance technique is choreographer Nuha's last method of physical approach, which came as an approach and form in the last world premiere after the artistic residency in Jerusalem, at the JISDF festival last year!
This technique is based on the daily ritual of body movement and from that form comes the maximum of physical and interpretative exploration, enabling the dancers to create a new choreographic element expressing new research.


Robert Nuha, known artistically as NOA, was born in Komoran, RKS in 1990. His dance career began with urban styles including hip hop, break dance, and Albanian folk dance. In 2016, he completed his Bachelor's in Choreography, followed by a Master's in 2019 at the University of Arts in Tirana, Albania.

Currently, he is a Professor of Contemporary Choreography and Dance at AAB College in Prishtina. He serves as the choreographer for the Resident Artistic Troupe of Artpolis — Art and Community Center in Prishtina and was a part of the "Albania-Dance Theater Company" from 2014 to 2020.

Nuha has participated in numerous artistic projects with both Albanian and international artists, presenting his work at various festivals throughout Europe, including those in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and Croatia. His dance performances include "I'm the Men!" in Germany, “Stress Biology" in Switzerland, and “Hybrid 0 to 100" in Israel. He recently collaborated with the renowned contemporary dance company, Compagne LINGA in Switzerland, in the show “Between”.

He is the founder of the first professional dance-theater company in Kosovo, the "Noa Dance Theater Company", and the coordinator of the international festival, the "Albania-Kosovo Dance Meeting", which is the only contemporary dance festival in Kosovo.

Nuha has also acted in several film productions such as "Bal-Kan", "Light", "Sister and Brother", "The Boy and the Bee", and "The Flying Circus". He was the co-choreographer in performances such as "Winter Flowers" and "Let's Go". Additionally, he worked with several folk ensembles in Kosovo, including the National Song and Dance Ensemble "Shota".

In his projects such as "What Men Want”, "Anlimit", "Feel", "Ups and Downs", "White Night", and "Totem and Taboo", he exhibits his signature blend of Albanian folk dance and contemporary style. He is currently working on artistic projects in Skopje, Tirana, and Pristina. His show "InOutT" premiered at the prestigious "Laiks Dejot" festival in Riga, Latvia, and was also presented at the CerModern festival in Ankara, Turkey.

Nuha's artistic creativity is characterized by his exploration of the organic integration of Albanian folk dance with contemporary dance, aiming to find a unique and original form of choreography and dance.


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